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Thursday 5 December 2019

Multiple choice questions OR Objective questions of Fisheries Science and aquaculture


Multiple choice questions of Fisheries Science (Fisheries Biology )

Multiple choice questions of fisheries Biology for preparation of junior research fellowship or senior research fellowship or Agricultural Recruitment Scientists exam Board or National Eligibility Test (NET) exam in various fisheries science discipline. The best set of questions from various departments of fisheries science.

                            Multiple choice questions of Fisheries Biology

 1. The potential of marine fish production from the Indian EEZ is
a. 3.9 million tonnes        b. 3.0 million tonnes        c. 5.4 million tonnes     d. 4.5 million tonnes
2. The following state has the highest marine fish production in India.
a. Maharashtra      b. Gujarat       c.   Kerala      d. Tamil Nadu
3. The major gear used to exploit tunas from the Indian coastal waters is
a. Drift gill nets       b. Trawlers       c. Purse seines        d. Trolling
4. Scientific name of Frigate tuna is
a. Auxis thazard     b. Auxis rochei     c. Thunnus tonggol      d. Katsuwonus pelamis
5. Choodavalai used to exploit the Whitebaits from southwest coast of India is a type of
a. Gill net     b. Shore seine     c. Ring seine     d. Bag net
6. Whitefish is also known as
a. False trevally       b. Jew fish         c. Croaker        d. Thread fin
7. The example of Slipmouth is
a. Leiognathus bindus    b. Harpodon nehereus    c. Nemipterus japonicas
d. None of the above
8. The maximum production of Chinese pomfret is from the state of
a. Karnataka      b. Kerala       c. Maharashtra        d. Orissa
9. The species having topmost production in the world is
a. Peruvian anchoveata     b. Alaskan Pollock      c. Chub mackerel      d. Blue Whiting
10. The area of EEZ along the west coast of India is
a. 0.86 million sq. km     b. 0.90 million sq. km     c. 0.56 million sq. km       d. 1.0 million sq. km
11. The species of mackerel found rarely along the southeast coast is
a. Rastrelliger kanagurta    b. Rastrelliger brachysoma       c. Rastrelliger faughnii     d. None of the above
12. The dominant species of ribbon fish occurring in the ribbon fish landings is
a. Trichiurus lepturus    b. Trichiurus russeli     c. Lepturocanthus savala   d. Lepturocanthus gangeticus
13. Leatherjackets are included in following group of fishes
a. Carangids        b. Sciaenids      c. Whitebaits    d. Threadfin breams
14. Scientific name if short neck clam is
a. Paphia malabarica       b. Tapes brugueiri       c. Perna viridis        d. Meretrix casta
15. The example of deep sea shrimp is
a. Metapenaeopsis jerryi      b. Aristeus alcocki       d. Penaeopsis jerryi      d. All of the above
16. India has got an EEZ of
a. 2.02 m     b. 2.05        c. 2.0 m        d. 2.1 m sq. km
17. ………………….net is popularly used to exploit the Bombay duck along northwest coast of India.
a. Disco net       b. Rampani       c. Long line        d. None of the above
18. The Indian marine fisheries sector is characterized by………………..
a. Multigear fisheries      b. Multispecies fisheries    c. Multigear & multispecies fisheries
d. none of the above
19. ………….. have got well developed swim bladders
a. Sciaenids   b. Flying fishes   c. Half beaks    d. Whitebaits
20. …………… state has got highest standing crop of seaweeds in India
a. Gujarat      b. Tamil Nadu      c. Maharashtra          d. Orissa
21. The objectives of fisheries management are
a. MSY       b. MEY     c. Maintenance of minimum spawning stock    d. All of the above
22. Holistic models are
a. More data demanding    b.  Age-structured     c. Less data demanding     d. None of the above
23. Beverton and Holt Yield per Recruit Model assumes that
a. Recruitment is constant    b. Natural mortality is variable   c. Fishing mortality is variable
d. There is no complete mixing within a stock.
24. Catch per unit effort data gives a measure of
a. Relative stock abundance   b. Absolute stock abundance    c. Fishing effort   d. None of the above
25. Von Bertalanffy Growth Equation is used to determine growth in terms of ………….. as a function of time.
a. Length and Weight     b. Weight      c. Length      d. None of the above
26. MSY refers to …………..
a. Maximum Social Yield   b. Minimum Social yield    c. Maximum Sustainable Yield     
d. Minimum Sustainable yield
27. The mesh size of Cod end determines the gear selectivity in ……………..
a. Gill net     b. Trawl net      c. Cast net       d. Long line
28. Age of massive maturation is denoted by …………….
a. T 50%      b.  Tm    c. TC     d. TC
29. Growth overfishing is an overfishing of …………….
a. Young fish    b. Adult fish      c. Spent individuals     d. None of the above
30. Instantaneous rate of natural mortality is denoted by ……………..
a. M       b. F        c. Z      d. R
31. L refers to …………….
a. Minimum length      b. Length at maturation     c. Asymptotic length   d. Mean length
32. Fox model is an example of …………….
a. Analytical model    b. Surplus production model   c. Virtual Population Analysis
d. None of the above
      Multiple choice questions of Fisheries Science (Fisheries Biology)

33. Predation is categorized into …………….
a. Natural mortality   b. Fishing mortality   c. Total mortality      d. None of the above
34. ……………………… is an useful tool for determination of optimum mesh size for a gear.
a. Gear selectivity   b. Exploitation rate    c. CPUE     d. None of the above.
35. ………………….. determines the number of survivors in a cohort of a fish.
a. Virtual population Analysis     b. Swept Area Method.      c. Modal progression Analysis
d. None of the above.
36. Rikhter & Effanov formula is used to estimate
a. Natural mortality   b. Fishing mortality   c. Total mortality      d. None of the above
37. ………………….. is a type of output control
a. Bag limit       b. Mesh size regulation     c. Closed season    d. Closed area
38. The proportion of number or biomass of a fish stock removed by fishing is
a. Exploitation rate           b. Exploitation ratio      c. fishing effort      d. none of the above
39. The graph of logarithm of numbers caught plotted against respective age is
a. catch curve       b. selection curve      c. selection ogive       d. growth curve
40. Inverse von Bertalanffy equation is used to convert
a. Lengths into ages       b. Ages into lengths   c. Lengths into weight   d. none of the above
41. Machrobrachium rosenbergii passes through ……… number of larval stages
a. 11         b. 10        c. 9     d. 13 
42. Torsion is the characteristic of …………
a. Bivalvia     b. Gastropoda    c. Cephalopda   d. Polyphora
43. The larva of Artemia is known as ……………
a. Zoea  b.Alima    c. Phyllosoma   d. Nauplii
44. The integument enclosing the visceral mass in mollusca is known as -----
a. Pallium    b. Ostracum    c. Periostracum    d. Spicules
45.…………. has rhipidoglossate radula.
a. Cyprae    b. Diadora   c. Conus  d. Patella
46. Contractile filaments used for sensing food in Scaphoda are known as -----
a. Osphradium    b. Captucula     c. Tentacles    d. Antennae
47. The larvae of lobster is known as ------
a. Zoea    b. Mysis    c. Phyllosoma    d. Nauplius
48. In …………. the mantle is studded with spicules.
a. Polyplacophora   b. Monoplacophora    c. Aplacophora    d. Scaphopoda
49. In Stomatopoda gills are present at the base of ………………
a. Thorax    b. Abdomen    c. Mouth   d. Legs
50. Conus has …………….. type of radula.
a. Docoglossate     b. Taxoglossate    c. Rachiglossate   d. Taenioglossate
51. Thin leaf like processes attached to each maxillipeds of crustaceans are known as
a. Endopodite   b. Epipodite   c. Uropod     d. Maxilla
52. Operculum in gastropods is secreted by …………….
a. Mantle cells   b. Cuticular cells     c. Glandular cells     d. Dermal cells
53. Larva of squilla is known as
a.  Alima   b. Megalopa   c. Nauplius    d. Veliger
54. Cypraea has ------- radula.
a. Rhipidoglossat  b. Taxoglossate   c. Taenioglossate  d. Docoglossate
55. Cypris larva is present in -----
a.Artemia     b. Squilla   c. Balanus   d. Lobster
56. Shell in Bavilvia is the secretion of epithelial cells in -------
a. viscera   b. mantle    c. gonad   d. ctenidia
57. -------  is  a  digestive  gland  which  is extended over  the  posterior  portion  of  hindgut.                                            
a. Gastric mill  b. Hepatopancreas      c. Scaphognathite     d. Corfrontle
58. Osphradium acts as a  ----- organ
a. sense   b. defense  c. reproductive   d. respiratory
59. Hinge dentition in Arcidae is
a. desmodont   b. taxodont     c. pachyodont    d. dysodont
60. Subclass belonging to Class Aplacophora
a. Rostroconchia   b. Caudofoveata   c. Prosobranchia    d. Scaphopoda
61. In --------, gills are present to the right and behind the heart.
a. Prosobranchia   b. Opisthobranchia    c. Pulmonata   d. Rostroconchia
62. Tusk shells belong to Class -----
a. Monoplacophora    b. Scaphopoda   c. Aplacophora   d. Polypachophora
63. Non-penaeid prawns have ----- naupli stages
a. 8    b. 7      c. 6      d. 9
64. Penaeid prawns have 17 ------ stages.
a. Naupli   b. Post larva   c. Zoea   d. Mysis

          Multiple choice questions of Fisheries Science (Fisheries Biology)

65. Hagfishes belongs to the order
a. Petromyzontiformes    b. Clupeiformes     c. Myxiniformes  d. Perciformes
66. ………….. has its dorsal fin modified into a luring filament.
a. Catfish     b. Carp    c. Angler fish   d. Rasbora
67. Rastrelliger kanagurta is locally known as
a. Karkata bangda   b. Lubluba bangda   c. Bombil    d. Renvi
68. Which of the following fish belongs to family Stromatidae
a. Rhincodon typus   b. Sardinella longiceps   c. Saurida tumbil   d. Pampus chinensis
69. Sciaenids have well developed …………….
a. Pyloric caecae    b. Stomach    c. Gills    d. Air bladder
70. Ravas belongs to family ……………..
a. Carangidae    b. Polynemidae   c. Engruilidae    d. Clupeidae
71. Which of the following fish is known as lamprey?
a. Myxine    b. Petromyzon    c. Bombay duck   d. Sting Ray
72. Scientific name of lady fish is
a. Atropus atropus   b. Silago sihama    c. Saurida tumbil    d. Elops macnata
73. Trilobed caudal fin is the character of
a. Chorbombil     b. Kap    c. Bombil     d. Saranga
74. Which one of the following is the family of solefish?
a. Cynoglossidae      b. Mobulidae     c. Stromatidae    d. Carangidae
75. What is the scientific name of silver carp?
a. Ctenopharyngodon idella   b. Catla catla   c. Hypothalmicthys molitrix   d. Cyprinus carpio
76. Pony fishes belong to family…………….
a. Psettodidae     b. Leognathidae    c. Cynoglossidae    d. Mugilidae
77. Fastest swimming invertebrate is…………
a. Sepia   b. Loligo     c. Octopus     d. Prawn
78. Mantis shrimp is belongs to order
a. Isopoda   b. Natantia    c. Brachiura    d. Stomatopoda
79. The term Taxonomy was first proposed by
a. Dr.Bal & Rao    b. Dr. Randolle   c. Dr. Candolle    d. Dr. Samson
80. A poisonous shelled mollusk
a. Teredo    b. Conus    c. Xancus    d. Babylonia
81. Scientific name of   Sunset shell is
a. Sunetta scripta     b. Meretrix meretrix    c. Siliqua radiata     d. Trochus niloticus
82. The largest living arthropod in the world 
a. Mantis shrimp      b. Oceanic squid      c. Japanese spider crab    d. American crayfish
83. An example  of  pedunclate  barnacle  is
a. Lithoglyptas  spp.   b. Lepas  bengalensis    c. Balanus  amphitites     d. Sylon  spp.
84. Common english name   of    Fenneropenaeus merguiensis 
a. White shrimp   b. Kuruma shrimp     c. Banana prawn      d. Indian Tiger
85. In some crustacean, blood is red coloured due to
a. Haemoglobin      b. Erythrocruorin    c. Haemocynin     d. Blood lymph
86. Three spots on the carapace is an important character of
a. Neptunnus sanguinolentus  b. Neptunnus  pelagicus   c. Chrybdis  cruciata  d. Scylla    serrata
87. The green mussel found along the Indian coast is
a. Perna indica   b. Perna viridis   c. Pinna nigra    d.  Pinctada fucata
88. A  living  fossil , with  coiled  external  shell  belonging  to  Class:  Cephalopoda  is
a. Xancus    b. Nautilus   c. Teredo    d. Octopus
89. A single ventral rostral tooth is an example of
a. Tiger shrimp   b. Banana shrimp   c. Brown shrimp    d. Flower  
90. Most crustaceans have blue blood due to presence of ……….
a. Haemoglobin     b. Erythrocruorin    c. Haemocynine   d. Haemolymph
91. It is  an  integument  of  posterior  dorsal  border  of  head  extending  back  over  the  body.
a. Somite   b. Carapace     c. Telson     d. Cephalothorax
92. ……….. crustaceans occur in brackishwater with temperature above 30 0C.
a. Cumacean   b. Mysid    c. Thermobaena    d. Isopod
93. Presence of seventh abdominal somite is an external morphological character of   subclass:
a. Hoplocarida   b. Eumalacostreca   c. Phyllocarida    d. Malacostreca
94. Chiton is an example of class:
a. Aplacophora    b. Polyplacophora    c. Monoplacophora   d. Scapopoda
95. A freshwater mussel used for production of pearls.
a. Saccostrea cuculata   b. Pinctada fucata    c. Lamellidens   marginalis    d. Crassostrea rivularis
96. Chalky  type  of  internal  shell  of  cuttle  fish  is  called  as
a. Fan shell   b. Cuttle bone   c. Cuttle pad   d. Cuttle stick
97. The total area of reservoirs in India is ………… million ha.
a. 5.4     b. 3.15       c. 1.24     d. 2.21 
98. Based on the data on fish yield collected by CIFRI the average fish production from
 the riverine resources in India is only…………….
a. 300g/km    b.400g/km     c.500g/km    d. 600g/km
99. The Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research (DCFR) is located at…….......and
 formerly known as NRCCWF.
a. Bhimtal     b. Kochi   c. Chennai    d. Himachal Pradesh
100.  ………. are lentic water bodies of natural origin which are formed due to tectonic movement of the earth’s crust.
a. lakes     b. ponds       c. bheels        d. reservoirs
101 …….is gifted with many extensive water bodies commonly known as beels.
a. Assam     b. Uttar Pradesh     c.  Madhya Pradesh     d. Maharashtra
102. Inland water resources in India are diverse and comprised of …….. km of rivers.
a. 29,000     b. 30,000   c. 50,000     d. 10,000
103. Fry and fingerlings collection from ……….. river system is made usually by cast and drag nets.
a. Ganga    b. Brahmaputra      c. Peninsular    d. Indus
104.  One of the peculiarities of the Kerala coastal zone is the presence of a number of backwaters or estuary locally known as ….……
a. kumbala     b. payal      c. sundarban     d. kayal
105.   …… river originates from a glacier in Tibet and has a combined length of 4025 km.
a. Brahmaputra    b. Ganga     c. Indus      d. Mahanadi
106. According to Groombridge and Jenkins (1998) there are 30 world river basin marked as global priorities for the protection of aquatic biodiversity out of that ….. are from India .
a. 9      b. 10    c. 11     d. 12
107. CIFRI is conducting research on fish pass and has designed ….type fish passes for some
 upcoming dams in the river of north eastern India
a. pool      b. denil       c. deep baffled channel       d. fish lock
108.  …….. are collected in Ganga river system from one to two feet of deep water by disturbing the  bottom and scooping then with the gamcha.
a. spawn     b. eggs        c.fry     d. fingerlings
109. ……estuarine system on the Indian coast one of the largest estuarine system in the country covering a major portion of the gangetic delta.
a. Hooghly- Matlah      b. Mahanadi    c. Narmada     d.  Peninsular

                      Multiple choice questions of fisheries Biology
110. Floodplain and wetlands area of India is…….. million hectare
a. 0.2   b. 0.3      c. 0.4      d. 0.5
111. According to Dr. Ayyapan, DG of ICAR, India is home to more than ………. % of global fish biodiversity with 2200 species of fish and shellfish in the marine and inland waters.
a. 10      b. 20      c. 30      d. 40
112. There are ……. major rivers in India covering 83% of the drainage basin and account 
 for 85% of the surface flow.
a. 14       b. 16      c. 18       d. 20
113 …… a classical example of anadromus fishes affected due to obstruction of their migratory pathway by dams
a. Tenulusa illisha    b. Clarius batrachus     c. Silver carp     d. Common carp
114. ……are the sources of precious germplasm and breeding ground for a host of fish species.
a. canals   b. reservoirs    c. rivers    d. ponds
115. Ponds and tanks resources of India have the production potential level……kg/ha/yr.
a. 5000-10000     b. 2000-3000    c. 1000-2000      d. 10000- 20000
116. Which is not true regarding modified types of scales, bony plates?
a. They are present in fish such as sturgeons
b. They are present in fish such as south  American catfishes
c. They are present in fish such as flounders
d. They are present in fish such as pipefishes and seahorses
117. Tiny placoid type of scales are present in
a. Sharks          b. Mackerel         c. Sciaenids         d.  Pink perch
118. The  most solid portion of skull or braincase of fishes is called as
a. Centrum           b. Neurocranium              c. Hyomandibular        d. Quadrate
119. Which one is false regarding fish muscles?
a. White muscles has many capillaries per cubic millimeter
b.  Red muscles has many capillaries per cubic millimeter
c.  Red muscles has high concentration of hemoglobin
d. White muscles has less capillaries per cubic millimeter
120. ________ fish is an example of walking catfish.
a. Clarius batrachus    b. Ictalurus punctatus     c. Anabas testiduenius      d. Anguilla Anguilla
121. __________ is a process of production of all female species.
a. Oogenesis       b. Vitellogenesis        c. Hybridogenesis          d. Heterosis
122. _______ is the most common measure of reproductive potential in fishes.
a. Fecundity          b. Reproductive effort           c. Ovulation                  d. Fertility
123. _________ is a big bang reproduction where the adults spawn and  die as in Pacific Salmon.
a. Iteroparity              b. Semelparity               c. Oviparity                 d. Viviparity
124.Which component detects sound in fishes?
a. Lateral line       b. Brain         c. Olfactory receptors           d. Cranial nerves
125. ____ pigments in fish skin are responsible for bright red, yellow and green colour to fishes.
a. Melanin           b. Purines            c. Guanines              d. Caratenoid
126. Which of the following  is not the basic method  used  in taxonomic studies?
a. Colour patterns       b. Karyotypes       c. Electrophoresis       d. Feeding behavior
127. The ______ gland is used primarily for the excretion of sodium of chloride ions in fishes.
a. rectal gland            b. renal gland            c. pineal gland               d. thymus gland
128. Oculomotor muscles are effectively attached to
a. Jaws                b. Eyes                 c. Gill arches                    d. Fin rays
129. Which one of the following is different from the endocrine glands?
a. chromaffin tissue     b. interrenal  tissue       c. corpuscles of stannius       d. Intestinal vein
130. _________ pairs of cranial nerves are associated with the fish brain.
a. 15          b. 13               c. 10               d. 8
131. In _______ fish lid like nictitating membrane is present in eyes.
a. Ray                b. Shark              c. Flatfish                  d. Sawfish
132. Cosmoid, Ganoid and  bony –ridge are ______ types of fish scales.
a. Non-placoid          b. Placoid           c.Naked            d. Non-naked
133. In ______ species, the stomach is most often sac-shaped similar to that in humans.
a. Fish eating           b. Herbivorous            c. Carnivorous            d. omnivorous
134. In typical carnivorous fishes gastric acidity of ________ range is present in the stomach.
a. 2.4 to 3.6             b. 1.4  to  2.3               c. 3.5 to 4.5                d. 4.5 to 5.5
135. _____organ  in fishes acts as a storage organ for fats and carbohydrates besides its role in digestion.
a. Gall bladder                  b. Pyloric caeca               c. Liver                 d. Spleen
136. The minerals iron, copper and cobalt functions for ________ in fish .
a. metabolism        b. respiration        c. structural development          d. regulate osmotic balance
137. Eyes  become opaque and  the growth ceases due to deficiency of….
a. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)      b. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)       c. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)                     d. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)
138. The _________ is the main route of blood transport from the gills to the body of fish.
a. Ventral aorta       b. Efferent branchial arteries       c. Afferent Branchial artery     d. Dorsal aorta
139. The principal blod plasma protein _______ of fish controls osmotic pressure.
a. Albumin              b. Lipoproteins               c. Globulins              d. Fibrinogen.
140. _______ may be defined as the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities.
a. Diffussion            b. Dissociation            c. Metabolism             d. Absorption
141. Respiration in tropical catfishes such as Hoplostrernum, Ancistrus and Plecostomus takes place through
a. Buccal cavity               b. Gut                c.Skin.                   d. Lungs
142. Fish living in warmer water generally have_________ oxygen consumption rate than those in cooler  water.
a. Higher         b. Lower               c. Minimum                  d. Very low
143. RBCs and WBCs are formed from
a. Blood corpuscles        b. Spleen        c. Hemocytoblast  precursor cells       d. Leydig organ
144. _____ gland is found only in elasmobranchs and the coelacanth for excretion of ions.
a. Rectal            b. Adrenal                c. Pituitary                d. Thymus
145. In sharks the pairs of gill filaments are separated by
a. Arches             b. Fleshy septum              c. Lamellar membranes               d. Epithelial cells
146. _______ blood cells are usually the most abundant cells in fish blood.
a. White blood cells (WBCs)     b. Leukocytes      c. Red blood cells (RBCs)     d. Monocytes
147. Example of fish carrying no hemoglobin in their blood at all
a. Antartic crocodile  icefishes    b. Australian lungfishes    c. Pacific Salmon    d. American Eel
148. The teleost heart is fueled by
a. Carbohydrates      b. Carbohydrates and  ketone bodies      c. Carbohydrates and fatty acids               d. Carbohydrates and  proteins
149. Identify fish group which excretes urea as the primary nitrogenous end product
a. Teleost fishes      b. Lungfishes      c. Elasmobranch fishes           d. None of the above
150. Age and maturity are usually the best predictors of ______ in fishes.
a. Absolute growth rates       b. Relative growth rates       c. Approximate  growth rates                          d. Convertible growth rate

               Multiple choice questions of Fisheries Science (Fisheries Biology)
Answers Key 
1 a       2 b       3 a       4 a      5 c      6 a      7 a                   8 a      9 a               10 a     11c       12 a       

13 a      14 a     15 d    16 a     17 d    18 c     19 a      20 b                21 d    22 c    23 a     24 a

25 a                 26 c      27 b     28 b    29 a     30 a      31c      32 b     33 a     34 a     35 a     36 a    

37 a     38 a     39 a     40 a     41a      42 a     43 d     44 a     45 b     46 b     47 c     48 c    

49 b     50 b     51 b     52 b     53 a     54 c     55 c     56 b     57 b     58 a     59 b     60 b    

61 b     62 b     63 c     64 c     65 c     66 c     67 b     68 d     69 d     70 b     71 b     72 b    

73 c     74 a     75 c     76 b     77 c     78 d     79 c     80 b     81 c     82 c     83 b     84 c    

85 b     86 a     87 b     88 b     89 d     90 c     91 b     92 c     93 c     94 b     95 c     96 b    

97 b     98 a     99 a     100 a   101 a   102 a   103 a   104 d   105 a   106 a   107 a   108 b

109 a   110 a   111 a   112 a   113 a   114 c   115 a    116 c   117 a    118 b    119 a    120 a

121  c   122  a  123 b   124 a   125 d   126 d   127 a    128 b   129 d    130 c    131 b   132 a

133  d   134  a  135 c   136 b   137 a   138 d   139 a    140 d   141 b    142 a    143 c   144 a

145  b   146  c  147 a   148  c  149  c  150  b

Credits: Dr. Mohd Ashraf Rather, SKUAST-K
Multiple choice questions OR Objective questions  of Fisheries Science and aquaculture 

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